by admin_prm | Mar 18, 2018 | News, PRM, Plantmech
Communication is the Art of Good Management – day taken for a Tool Box meeting at PRM/Plantmech
by admin_prm | Jan 31, 2018 | News, Plantmech
Plantmech and PRM team have had a busy few weeks ! Hydraulic work on these machines including the fitting up of quick hitches, case drains, hammer lubes all hoses and piping were all completed in record time to make sure machines were ready for their destination...
by admin_prm | Nov 30, 2017 | News, Plantmech
Plantmech is the founding company of Premier Rock Machinery. Plantmech was established in 2002 to provide an installation and design service for auxiliary hydraulic systems mainly on new earth moving equipment. Plantmech has developed into a complete hydraulic...
by admin_prm | May 25, 2016 | News, PRM, Plantmech
Premier Rock Machinery was asked to present the GKD Sensor Zone – Proximity Warning System across Downer Surface and Road employees as part of the Mission Possible Road Show. The Sensor Zone system uses a vibrating tag to notify pedestrians (and machine...